Wednesday 8 June 2011

Stored Procedures Testing

Stored Procedures Testing


1.1 Individual procedure tests

Verify the following things and compare them with design specification
* Whether a stored procedure is installed in a database
* Stored procedure name
* Parameter names, parameter types and the number of parameters


* When output is zero (zero row affected)
* When some records are extracted
* Output contains many records
* What a stored procedure is supposed to do
* What a stored procedure is not supposed to do
* Write simple queries to see if a stored procedure populates right data

* Check parameters if they are required.
* Call stored procedures with valid data
* Call procedures with boundary data
* Make each parameter invalid a time and run a procedure

Return values:
* Whether a stored procedure returns values
* When a failure occurs, nonzero must be returned.

Error messages:
* Make stored procedure fail and cause every error message to occur at least once
* Find out any exception that doesn’t have a predefined error message

* Whether a stored procedure grants correct access privilege to a group/user
* See if a stored procedure hits any trigger error, index error, and rule error
* Look into a procedure code and make sure major branches are test covered.

1.2 Integration tests of procedures
* Group related stored procedures together. Call them in particular order
* If there are many sequences to call a group of procedures, find out equivalent classes and run tests to cover every class.
* Make invalid calling sequence and run a group of stored procedures.
· Design several test sequences in which end users are likely to do business and do stress tests.

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